Tuesday, February 5, 2008

If Blanket

What a funny (strange) theme this week. Last week I was completely stumped by the theme 'Tales and legends'. I think it was actually an abundance of ideas rather than a lack of them and hence I couldn't choose one. It could also have be the fact that I am in the midst of a big move and my 1 year old is constantly yelling 'ba, ba, ba' as loud as he possibly can and having fun unpacking everything that I pack...very helpful, anyway, EXCUSES, EXCUSES!! I hear you say, this week I have this drawing of a girl in a kind of a 'blanketty' skirt. Drawn by hand, scanned and then played around with in Photoshop.....Can't live without it!! (photoshop, that is).


Rui Sousa said...

gorgeus, really nice illustration!

Digital Scott's Illustrationblog said...

A very interesting illustration! Cool stuff.

albina said...

Scarlett is an inspiration to us all – whether your couture is made of curtains or blankets!